Today is Mother's Day. My third Mother's Day. The perfect opportunity to reflect on the divine role of Motherhood.
Let me start by saying that being a mother is not limited to bearing children.
"Everyone one of us can mother someone - beginning, of course, with the children in our own families but extending far beyond." - Sheri Dew-
Almost 6 weeks ago we welcomed our second precious daughter into the world. She is very content with life (as you are at 6 weeks - as long as you are fed, clean and loved).
After having our first child I thought I understood how difficult motherhood can be - sleepless nights, long days, dirty nappies, dirty laundry, dirty house, tantrums....etc. Let me say, you really need to have more than one child to really experience this. And any children after that, I'm sure it all just multiplies (right?). {I am going to write a post about "the second child" soon, so I'll save these things for then. Stay tuned}.
Motherhood is a tough job, but despite all the sleepless nights, tired eyes, aches and pains, tears, tantrums and dirty things, I wouldn't change it for the world! Holding that gift from God in your arms for the very first time is, I think, the sweetest moment in life. Every time your children learn something new, laugh, hug you, want to give you endless cuddles at bed time (stalling tactic), tell you that they love you - it's all worth it!
One thing I have learnt on this short journey of Motherhood is this:
I love that! It's such a trap to compare ourselves to others. SO DON'T DO IT! We do the best job we can, with the knowledge we have. As the quote says, "what matters most is that a mother loves her children deeply". Everything else will surely fall into place.
When I set out on this journey of motherhood I had no idea what I was doing. I made things up, I took advice from others and then I still made things up. And guess what! So far, my children are okay!!! (for the most part ;o))
I just found this quote. It sums up my thoughts nicely.
Finally, I could not be the mother I am without the influence of two important people. My own mother and my husband.
That leaves my husband. Behind this mother is a GREAT husband. I couldn't have married anyone better - such a wonderful husband and father. He supports me in everything I do and is right beside me in raising our children. He truly is amazing. Not once has he asked me, 'what did you do today?', especially when the state of the house clearly looks like I just sat on the couch all day (and perhaps I really did just sit on the couch!). He makes the job of being a mother easier. Thanks honey!